US Ambassador to the UN Madeleine K. Albright at #UN #SecurityCouncil meeting on Aug. 18, 1993, reading out the Council’s statement which condemn the illegal occupation of Azerbaijan’s territories by Armenia, demanding the immediate and complete withdrawal of occupying armed forces of Armenia and reaffirming international support for Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and inviolability of its borders.
Here is the link to the full text of the latest #UN GA resolution https://undocs.org/en/A/RES/62/243
Before that the UNSC resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 called for unconditional withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from the internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan.
These resolutions explain why the latest flare-up of the conflict is a direct and long-expected result of the ongoing illegal occupation of Azerbaijan’s sovereign territory by Armenia and its proxy irregular forces.
Azerbaijan put up with the fragile ceasefire in the hope of internationally-mediated peaceful resolution for 30 years! It was not peace. Every day, every week Armenian military shelled villages, killed families, children, destroyed houses.
All countries including Australia recognize Nagorno Karabakh – the mountainous region where the current military operations are – as part of Azerbaijan. Even Armenia itself recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Learn more: https://www.azerbaijan.org.au/