Karabakh conflict in dangerous impasse

The process around the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is in a complete standstill. It seems there is no way out. The instigator is obvious. Despite the human losses and the situation deteriorating on the contact line between Armenian and Azerbaijani troops day by day, aggressor Armenia does not intend to withdraw its troops from the occupied territories. Alas, if the international community does not come to its senses, does not make quite effective, joint efforts and much pressure on Armenia, an irreparable situation may occur and other war can flare up in the Caucasus.

The Armenian media spreads the information accusing Azerbaijan of escalating the situation. This information is absurd. Azerbaijan just uses its legitimate right to protect sovereignty. The provisions indicated in the UN Charter fully support the right of any country to defend its territorial integrity. Moreover, someone’s right to occupy is not written in this document. This is a violation of all international norms.

The US and the EU actively react over similar cases of the annexation of other countries’ territories, when the matter does not rest in Armenia, but concerns other countries, the actions of which affect the interests of the West.

The US and the EU immediately react by imposing the sanctions and asserting the territorial integrity of the allies on all international platforms.

Moreover, Europe perceives 800,000 refugees as a global catastrophe, while Azerbaijan with a nine million population has to solve alone the problem with a million of refugees. The issue of refugees, if it concerns Europe, causes great debates and immediate actions of the international community. But it seems that no one except Baku cares about a great number of Azerbaijani refugees. The double standards are obvious.

As for Armenia’s criminal actions in Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts of Azerbaijan, all international players suddenly become blind and deaf.

They do not impose tough sanctions against Armenia. Moreover, they continue maintaining good relations with Armenia.

The world history proves that it is easier to prevent any emerging conflict to avoid its turning into a military confrontation, in which civilians are killed and material resources are wasted.

As for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, everything is simple. The whole world recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and considers Nagorno-Karabakh as its integral part. It is necessary to exert all international efforts to withdraw Armenian troops from Azerbaijani territories to resolve the conflict. Afterwards, proceeding from these actions of the two sides towards peace, it is necessary to discuss the fate of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan at the negotiating table.

In this case, on the basis of real actions for settlement, the two peoples of the strategic South Caucasus region will have a chance to achieve a peaceful life without needless losses. However, if international players indulge in Armenia’s maniacal desire to revive the mythical "empire from sea to sea", we may face with another bloody fight for the territories, which will annoy the modern world again.

So far, unfortunately, everything testifies to the fact that only war can bring the international community round and force it to take real actions to stop Yerevan’s criminal actions. Although Baku reiterated about its readiness for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, there can be no other way and a military solution of the urgent problem may be the only way out.

Elmira Tariverdiyeva is the head of Trend Agency’s Russian News Service
