German Bundestag deputies make statement on Nagorno Karabakh conflict


Berlin, May 17, AZERTAC

Chairman of the ‘Germany-South Caucasus’ parliamentary group Karin Shtrents, as well as the co-chair of this group, deputy Johannes Kars (SPD) made a statement on the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

They touched upon the meeting held with the Azerbaijan Parliamentary delegation on the question once again noting the necessity of continuation of peaceful talks to completely resolve the problem. The Bundestag deputies stressed their concern for elimination of current status-quo as soon as possible, that is, during this year Germany as the OSCE chairman has received a great chance to make a purposeful contribution to resolve the conflict.

The statement where Johannes Kars supports the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s position on inadmissibility of continuation of the current status-quo says: “The ceasefire is not enough. The achievement of sustainable settlement of this ‘frozen’ conflict after ceasefire should be the main goal,” Johannes Kars notes. He urges the German Foreign Ministry and its Minister to show the initiative needed for this.
