Egon Juttner: “Resolutions of Security Council are unambiguous and show clearly which steps have to be taken to end Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”

Member of the German Bundestag, Professor. Dr. Egon Juttner has issued a statement on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The statement reads: “The United Nations are mediating in this conflict for many years. The resolutions of the Security Council are unambiguous and show clearly which steps have to be taken to end this conflict. Germany supports these resolutions and so do I personally. For Germany the territorial integrity of a State is a non-negotiable imperative. Notably, the territorial integrity in the Caucasus is in many cases not guaranteed, four examples being Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea and Nagorno-Karabakh. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, peaceful solutions to conflicts on questions of demarcation were not achieved in many cases.

All this implies tragic consequences for the civilian population. The fact that Azerbaijan tends to one million refugees with a total domestic population of about nine million inhabitants is highly remarkable in Germany, in particular considering its current migrant crisis. Like in all international hot spots, Germany closely coordinates with its international partners in the EU, the United Nations, the NATO and the OSCE. As we maintain traditionally tight relations with both Azerbaijan and Armenia, I would appreciate a broadening of the commitment for a peaceful solution. However, considering the developments in recent years, I doubt that a swift solution of the conflict will be achieved. The international community has to prevent any further escalation, as this impinges upon the stability of the entire region and the economic and social development in the affected countries. Germany condemns any provocation which fuel this conflict. The civilian population is – like always in such conflicts – the main victim. Therefore, I condemn the Armenian offensive of April. It should be obvious to everyone who acts and thinks politically rationally, that this conflict could not be solved with weapons. A solution will merely be achieved at the negotiating table. Germany and its partners have to do anything to return the opposing parties back to the negotiation table.”

AZERTAG.AZ :Egon Juttner: “Resolutions of Security Council are unambiguous and show clearly which steps have to be taken to end Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”
