Azerbaijani permanent representative uses a right of reply against Armenian FM in UNESCO General Policy Debate

Paris, November 7, AZERTAC

Azerbaijan`s Permanent Representative to UNESCO Anar Karimov has used a right of reply after the Armenian FM made false accusations in the General Policy Debate as part of the 38th session of the organization`s General Assembly.

“The need for this reply is grounded on the statement which was full of false accusations, animosity and hatred against my country,” he said.

“The occupation by Armenia of almost 20 percent of internationally recognized and historic territories of Azerbaijan continues for many years regardless of four United Nations Security Council resolutions which demand immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from Azerbaijani territories. More than one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and internally displaced as a result of this conflict.”

“This speech by the Armenian FM is yet another attempt to mislead the international community from the aggravated facts of cultural cleansing carried out not only within the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the seven surrounding districts, but also within the territory of Armenia itself. The cultural heritage such as mosques, monuments, cemeteries, museums are being purposefully destroyed with only one aim to wipe out the evidences of historical presence of Azerbaijanis in these territories. Destruction of ancient mosque and cemetery Aga-dede in Masis region of Armenia is one of the many examples of such policy. Such acts are directly violating norms and principles of international law, including aims and principles of UNESCO,” Mr Karimov said.

“So, as a nation suffering from several consequences of the occupation, the protection of cultural heritage is always significant and sensitive issue for Azerbaijan. Today, whereas Armenia is still a mono-ethnic and mono-religious state in a very ethnically and culturally diverse region, Azerbaijan continues to share its experience in religious and cultural tolerance with international community through implementation of concrete and efficient policy.”

“We would like to share our confidence that UNESCO as genuine house of peace and tolerance is not a place for emotional hatred and groundless accusations, and the valuable floor before us cannot be used for misleading the international community, but to call for just and fair solutions for better and prosperous future,” the Permanent Representative added.

Shahla Aghalarova

Special Correspondent
