Azerbaijani army prevents Armenian sabotage

Baku. December 4, AZERTAC

Azerbaijani armed forces have prevented the sabotage of the Armenian armed forces, Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported.

In recent days, Armenian armed forces have attempted to expand their subversive activities along the contact line of troops.

Armenian armed units, trying to take advantage of the military-political situation in the region, attempted to attack Azerbaijani positions on various parts of the contact line on the night December 4.

Azerbaijani armed units detected the enemy in advance and resolutely prevented the actions of the enemy. Armenian forces were forced to retreat by suffering heavy losses. The Armenian side currently is defining the number of its casualties now. An Azerbaijani serviceman was wounded during the firefight. After receiving first aid, the serviceman was hospitalized. His condition is stable and under control.

The Azerbaijani armed forces fully control operational situation along the contact line of troops and stand ready to prevent any attack of enemy, the Ministry of Defense said.
