Artillery fire by Armenia damages school buildings in Azerbaijan

The education process has been disrupted in educational institutions in Azerbaijan’s border regions located near the zone of military operations, Azerbaijan’s Education Ministry told Trend Apr.4.

Azerbaijan’s settlements along the frontline were subjected to heavy fire from Armenian positions.

“Seydimli village of Azerbaijan’s Terter district was subjected to the artillery fire by Armenian armed forces,” read a message from the ministry. “One of the shells hit the courtyard of the villager Sahib Veliyev, injuring the house owner and his 13-year-old grandson.”

Moreover, as a result of the artillery fire on the frontline villages of Azerbaijan’s Aghdam district on Apr.2, a shell hit the Sarijali school #1.

No casualties were reported, however, the school’s building was seriously damaged.

One of the shells also hit a school in the village of Ayag Gervend.

On the night of Apr. 2, all the frontier positions of Azerbaijan were subjected to heavy fire from Armenians, who were using large-caliber weapons, mortars, grenade launchers and guns. Azerbaijani settlements near the frontline densely populated by civilians were shelled as well.

A counter-attack was carried out following the provocations of the Armenian armed forces on the night of Apr. 2.

Six Armenian tanks, 15 gun mounts and reinforced engineering structures were destroyed and more than 100 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces were wounded and killed during the shootouts.

Twelve servicemen of the Azerbaijani armed forces heroically died, one Mi-24 helicopter was shot down and one tank was damaged on a mine.

Three more soldiers of Azerbaijan were killed during the past day and night as a result of the ceasefire violation.

On Apr. 4, Azerbaijani armed forces destroyed three tanks and eliminated around 30 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against

The two countries signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, Russia, France and the US are currently holding peace negotiations.

Edited by SI
