The Armenian armed forces shelled a wedding tent in the Terter district of Azerbaijan. Three people were injured as a result of shelling, two of them were hospitalized, spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Ministry of Health Liya Bayramova told Trend September 1.
She said that two of the injured are women and the third injured – a child.
"One of the injured was hospitalized to the central district hospital of the Terter district and other – to the central district hospital in the Barda district,” she said. “Currently, their condition is stable. Zahra Alizade fell during the shelling and was slightly injured. She is being treated at home."
The incident occurred during a wedding in the village of Gapanli in the Terter district. The shelling hit Mushkinaz Tanriverdiyeva (63 years old), Madina Ahmadova (67 years old) and a child, Zahra Alizade.
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