“Armenian terrorism and Azerbaijani multiculturalism” international round-table kicks off in Baku

A round-table, “The Armenian terrorism and Azerbaijani multiculturalism” supported by the Baku International Multiculturalism Center (BIMC), Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the Knowledge Fund under the Azerbaijani President, the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, the Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan and the State Committee on Work with Diaspora of Azerbaijan kicked off today in Baku. The round-table is a part of the “Terror Against Multiculturalism” project.

Along with the local experts, the event is attended also by the foreign scientists, the investigators of the Armenian terrors.

The event will continue in several panels.

AZERTAG.AZ :“Armenian terrorism and Azerbaijani multiculturalism” international round-table kicks off in Baku
