It is necessary to examine whether the chairman of the US Helsinki Commission, Congressman Chris Smith speaks on behalf of the US and in accordance with its values or acts under the pressure of the Armenian lobby, Azerbaijani MP Fazail Agamali told Trend Dec. 17.
The US Helsinki Commission, chaired by Chris Smith, has recently submitted an anti-Azerbaijani bill to the Congress.
Agamali said that proceeding from the content of the bill, it is clear that the Armenian lobby influences Chris Smith.
"It is necessary to prepare such a bill against Armenia because human rights are regularly violated there,” he said. “The representatives of the criminal regime, governing Armenia now, were directly involved in the act of genocide not only against the citizens of Azerbaijan, but also inhibit the citizens of their own country."
Agamali said that Smith and similar individuals do not speak about the events taking place in Armenia.
He said that there is nothing new in this bill.
"Once again, the formulaic charges are voiced,” he said. “Some politicians in the US and Europe are trying to put pressure on Azerbaijan by such false accusations. Our struggle against the anti-Azerbaijani forces will remain a priority."